For anybody who knows me, they know how much I love Nathan's hot dogs. It all started with one innocent BBQ where I first learned of this juicy treat. I was hooked. From there on out, all hot dogs that were eaten with pleasure were Nathan's. When I was in Vegas I had Nathans. When I was in New York at the Yankees game suite I had 5 Nathan's hot dogs. I love Nathan's so much that my friend bought me a mini Nathan's hot dog cart and I threw a Nathan's party!
Enough about me...onto my puppy. One day at Costco I saw mini Nathan's hot dogs. There must have been at least 100 in there. Everytime I made myself 8 pieces, I threw in 2 for my puppy. My puppy LOVED it.'s my point. When I saw they decided to make treats specifically for dogs I had to buy some for my puppy!! They come in 2 long sticks like a slim jim or a 4oz bag like below. I know you all will think I'm crazy, but I bought my puppy a dozen 4oz bags! It's been a week and a half and he's on his 4th bag. Then again, my friend also ate a couple to "try" (he said it was good and not salty which is even better for mypuppy).
This is being a hypocrit, but i try NOT to feed my dog too many unhealthy treats. I feed chicken/duck jerky and natural organic treats. I would say this is the most commerical treat he eats and it's really not bad at all! All the ingredients are human grade (trust my friend, he had at least 3 while I was watching...who knows how many while I wasn't watching!) and mypuppy deserves the best! Trust me, he LOOOOOVES them. This is one of those treats mypuppy will do ANYTHING for. I just take out the bag and he sits like a good boy he is. Once I open the bag he stays seated. As soon as I take a piece out he waits for me to give him the treat. If I don't give him the treat within 3 seconds he starts all the tricks he knows (roll over, down, paw, high five, roll over, roll over, roll over...) Give these (remember to click the 5% discount link!) a try...I can't imagine any puppy NOT going crazy for this treat. I'm tempted to try one, but I thinnk I'll let mypuppy have these!

1 comment:
If you have a day with limited sunlight, it is a relatively quick meal (as far as solar cooking goes).Lej en pølsevogn
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